Ventricular drainage bags

11 companies | 15 products
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ventricular drainage set
ventricular drainage set
EDS 3®

In critical care situations, even the slightest variables can impact patients’ outcomes. The EDS 3 external drainage system is designed to improve cerebrospinal fluid drainage under varying conditions, giving your clinical team more confidence ...

lumbar drainage set
lumbar drainage set
EDS 3®

In critical care situations, even the slightest variables can impact patients’ outcomes. The EDS 3 external drainage system is designed to improve cerebrospinal fluid drainage under varying conditions, giving your clinical team more confidence ...

wound drainage set
wound drainage set

Capacity: 400 ml

wound closed hollow suction drainage system Innitial negative pressure:113-225mmHg Features: each system is equipped with an extension tube with flow regulator and relevant multi-gauge connector adaptable to drainage tubes (10Fr ...

wound drainage set
wound drainage set

Capacity: 200 ml

wound drainage set component: trocar+drainage tube+reservior ball+drainage bag can be avalible with various types of drainage tube ( from perforated, fluted, sprial and flushing) Product Validty: 2 years Intended for use: ...

ventricular drainage set
ventricular drainage set

Capacity: 1,700 ml

It is used to drain cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and fluids with similar physical properties in order to reduce intracranial pressure and CSF amount when a permanent shunt is not required or appropriate. DESU® External Ventricular Drainage ...

lumbar drainage set
lumbar drainage set

Capacity: 1,700 ml

It is used to drain cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and fluids with similar physical properties in order to reduce intracranial pressure and CSF amount when a permanent shunt is not required or appropriate. DESU® External Ventricular Drainage ...

ventricular drainage set
ventricular drainage set

Capacity: 700 ml

The Spiegelberg external ventricular drainage kit drains and collects cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) for external ventricular drainage. The kit contains a tube connector with a Luer-Lock for connection to the ventricular catheter or a probe ...

ventricular drainage set
ventricular drainage set

Capacity: 700 ml

The Spiegelberg external ventricular drainage kit with plate and clamp drains and collects cerebrospinal fluid for external ventricular drainage. The kit comprises a tube connector with a Luer-Lock for connection to the ventricular catheter, ...

ventricular drainage set
ventricular drainage set

Capacity: 700 ml

The Spiegelberg external ventricular drainage bag drains and collects cerebrospinal fluid for external ventricular drainage, external subdural drainage and external lumbar drainage. It is indicated whenever levelling of the drained quantity ...

ventricular drainage set
ventricular drainage set

Purchase a Codman Bactiseal Antimicrobial Impregnated Catheter with the Integra® Accudrain® External CSF Drainage System. If any part of the system requires a revision due to infection or component failure, Codman Specialty Surgical will ...

ventricular drainage set
ventricular drainage set

Capacity: 150 ml

Indicated for the drainage of Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF) and for all instances in which pressure monitoring (ICP) is required; for the decompression of the cerebral ventricles, in patients with traumatic brain injury and in patients with ...

peritoneal drainage set
peritoneal drainage set

DESCRIPTION Designed for patients who require ascites drainage, CardioMed’s ParaSil™ paracentesis drainage tray contains all of the components necessary for the insertion of the drainage catheter. The catheter’s soft and flexible silicone ...

peritoneal drainage set
peritoneal drainage set

Capacity: 2,000 ml

Kit for paracenthesis and thoracenthesis with:needles 80 mm. - 14G - 16G - 18G - syringe 50 mm - 3 ways stopcock Unit packaging: Blister Packaging: 25 pcs Box: 60x40x28 cm

ventricular drainage set
ventricular drainage set

ventricular drainage set
ventricular drainage set

Capacity: 100, 600 ml

Sophysa offers a range of completely hermetic external drainage systems, without vent which allow aseptic shunting of CSF, from the ventricular cavities or the lumbar subarachnoid spaces. About External Drainage Systems Two systems ...

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