Lumbar arthrodesis plates

10 companies | 14 products
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thoraco-lumbar arthrodesis plate
thoraco-lumbar arthrodesis plate

• Straight Plate ,self-locking screws, nuts and washers create a rigid fixation

lumbar arthrodesis plate
lumbar arthrodesis plate
57.0 series

Pr. Goutallier’s vertabral U-plate in Titanium Lumbar spinal plate

lumbar arthrodesis plate
lumbar arthrodesis plate
57.021 series

Pr. Goutallier’s vertabral U-plate in Titanium with intermediate claw

lumbar arthrodesis plate
lumbar arthrodesis plate
57.030 series

Pr. Goutallier’s vertabral U-plate in Titanium Dorsal spinal plate

thoraco-lumbar arthrodesis plate
thoraco-lumbar arthrodesis plate

minimally invasive thoracolumbar plate system that provides stabilization through a lateral approach. Innovative anchoring and keying instruments align the plate with the interbody fusion spacer and vertebral endplates, allowing controlled ...

lumbar arthrodesis plate
lumbar arthrodesis plate
Contact® ALP System

Contact® ALP System The Contact® Anterior Lumbar Plate (ALP) System provides anterior fixation of the lumbosacral spine (L1-S1) with a focus on efficiency and flexibility. The system uses an expansion screw head locking mechanism that ...

lumbar arthrodesis plate
lumbar arthrodesis plate
XLIF® Corpectomy

The XLIF Corpectomy technique allows surgeons to treat corpectomy patients through a reproducible, minimally disruptive exposure that provides direct visualization to the affected area. A corpectomy (with corpus meaning “body”, and ...

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lumbar arthrodesis plate
lumbar arthrodesis plate

The Choicespine Raven® Anterior Lumbar Plate System is a versatile system of implants and instruments designed to simplify and improve the efficiency of anterior lumbar spine fusion. The RAVEN Anterior Plate features an integrated single-step ...

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thoraco-lumbar arthrodesis plate
thoraco-lumbar arthrodesis plate

Length: 31, 34, 37, 40 mm

Inion S-2™ anterior lumbar fusion system for graft containment includes specially designed biodegradable plates and screws with radiopaque markers. Inion S-2™ is a US FDA 510(k)-cleared medical device (Class II), manufactured by Inion ...

thoraco-lumbar arthrodesis plate
thoraco-lumbar arthrodesis plate

· Anatomical shape for easy placement · Prolonged bolt holes for vertebra height adjustment · Threaded screw holes for stable angulation fixation · Simplified instrument set for streamlined surgery steps Indications: · Posttraumatic ...

lumbar arthrodesis plate
lumbar arthrodesis plate

PLATES FOR TOTAL OR PARTIAL CORPECTOMY ARTHEMIS system is intended for the antero-lateral fixation of the vertebral bodies in case of corporectomy or trauma. Indications – Spinal trauma – Spinal tumors. Content of the system – ...

thoraco-lumbar arthrodesis plate
thoraco-lumbar arthrodesis plate

CONTACT Anterolateral Stabilization High stability Placement conventional or thoracoscopic Stand-alone or with additional dorsal fixation Kyphotic plate design The CONTACT® plate can be implanted minimally invasive, thoracoscopically ...

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