SPECT/CT scanners

5 companies | 8 products
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SPECT/CT scanner
SPECT/CT scanner
NM/CT 870

Introducing NM/CT 870 CZT, our third-generation, general purpose SPECT/CT system powered by CZT technology. It combines improvements in lesion detection1, image quality and patient comfort with advanced quantitative applications provided ...

SPECT/CT scanner
SPECT/CT scanner

Large, rectangular high-resolution digital detector Multi-functional examination table for different angles of examination Comprehensive clinical process TCP and report system Intelligent design for easy operation

SPECT/CT scanner
SPECT/CT scanner
AnyScan® SC

Rotation time (s): 0.5 s

AnyScan® SC camera is your perfect choice as a versatile imaging system in our clinical portfolio. It can be your daily workhorse with the addition of special configurations to your routine studies thanks to its all-around approach. The ...

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PET/CT scanner
PET/CT scanner

Rotation time (s): 0.5 s

This unique triple modality system can be the perfect choice for your clinic. Combining the flexible SPECT , the diagnostic CT, and LYSO crystal-based PET modality can suit all needs of today's Molecular Imaging. There is no switching ...

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SPECT/CT scanner
SPECT/CT scanner
AnyScan® TRIO

AnyScan TRIO® SPECT/CT imaging system without any compromise to realize perfect SPECT resolution and excellent image quality. The unique triple head detector design enables detailed imaging by applying a reduced acquisition time. The ...

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PET/CT scanner
PET/CT scanner
AnyScan® TRIO

AnyScan TRIO® SPECT/CT/PET is a unique solution to integrate triple modality imaging system to your NM department in just one room. This system is ideal for your advanced clinical environment, and for further research applications. The ...

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SPECT/CT scanner
SPECT/CT scanner

Ring diameter (cm): 80 cm

Spectrum Dynamics Medical built the VERITON with a new generation imaging technology like no other, wrapping 360° around the patient’s body contour for a personalized exam. The heart of the innovation is in a set of 12 digital CZT detectors ...

SPECT/CT scanner
SPECT/CT scanner

Diagnostic precision SPECT-CT is helpful for high precise diagnosis and positioning of the image in our tumor treatment center. Conventionally, when the tumor is found, 85% of the patients are in the advanced stage, with metastatic ...

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