日帰り手術用層流システム TOUL Operio

日帰り手術用層流システム - TOUL Operio - Normeditec - 小手術用 / 移動式 / 横型
日帰り手術用層流システム - TOUL Operio - Normeditec - 小手術用 / 移動式 / 横型
日帰り手術用層流システム - TOUL Operio - Normeditec - 小手術用 / 移動式 / 横型 - 画像 - 2
日帰り手術用層流システム - TOUL Operio - Normeditec - 小手術用 / 移動式 / 横型 - 画像 - 3
日帰り手術用層流システム - TOUL Operio - Normeditec - 小手術用 / 移動式 / 横型 - 画像 - 4
日帰り手術用層流システム - TOUL Operio - Normeditec - 小手術用 / 移動式 / 横型 - 画像 - 5
日帰り手術用層流システム - TOUL Operio - Normeditec - 小手術用 / 移動式 / 横型 - 画像 - 6
日帰り手術用層流システム - TOUL Operio - Normeditec - 小手術用 / 移動式 / 横型 - 画像 - 7


日帰り手術用, 小手術用


TOUL horizontal laminar flow eliminates 99.995% of airborne bacteria and microorganisms (including Coronavirus Covid-19) and creates a highly aseptic area. Equipped with a HEPA14 filter, TOUL reduces up to 95% the bacterial load on the surgical site and on operating instruments everywhere, even in an outpatient setting. TOUL laminar flow allows you to perform many procedures in an outpatient setting instead of in the operating room, ensuring maximum asepticity. The introduction of TOUL technology allows a significant downsizing of waiting lists ultimately due to Covid19, with the advantage of being able to be introduced quickly and at very low cost. TOUL creates a horizontal laminar air flow that is positioned in the peri-operative space and is directed into the surgical wound without the interposition of obstacles, minimizing the presence of bacteria and microorganisms (including the Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2) and offering the maximum possible protection for both the surgical team and the patient. The flow rate of the device is 400 m3 per hour. This means that, for a standard clinic of 25 m2, all the air in the room is filtered every 9 minutes and 6.4 times every hour. As the hours pass, TOUL significantly increases the asepticity of the clinic and an effective source of elimination on the Coronavirus Covid19 virus is introduced. TOUL can be installed in a few minutes and for operation it only needs a common socket, furthermore its small size and rubber wheels allow it to be moved quickly if necessary.

