{{product.productLabel}} {{product.model}}
{{#if product.featureValues}}{{product.productPrice.formattedPrice}} {{#if product.productPrice.priceType === "PRICE_RANGE" }} - {{product.productPrice.formattedPriceMax}} {{/if}}
{{#each product.specData:i}}
{{name}}: {{value}}
{{product.productLabel}} {{product.model}}
{{#if product.featureValues}}{{product.productPrice.formattedPrice}} {{#if product.productPrice.priceType === "PRICE_RANGE" }} - {{product.productPrice.formattedPriceMax}} {{/if}}
{{#each product.specData:i}}
{{name}}: {{value}}

C1 vertebrae L5 (24 vertebrae) with the sacrum. Developed in rigid polyurethane and joined with a flexible material discs. A rod of flexible material supports and allows the column accepts various curvatures (simulating deformations). ...
Nacional Ossos

C1 to L5 vertebrae (24 vertebrae) with occipital Developed in rigid polyurethane and joined with a flexible material discs. A rod of flexible material supports and allows the column accepts various curvatures (simulating deformations). ...
Nacional Ossos

Vertebrae C1 to L5 (24 vertebrae). Developed in rigid polyurethane and linked by discs. Used in practical work and classes, demonstrations and training of surgical techniques such as placement of plates, screws, replacement of cages and rods.
Nacional Ossos

Vertebrae T1 to L5 Developed in rigid polyurethane and joined with discs in flexible material. Used in work and practical classes, demonstrations and training of surgical techniques such as placement of plates, screws, replacement ...
Nacional Ossos

T10 to L5 vertebrae with sacrum. Developed in rigid polyurethane and bonded by a flexible material discs. A rod of flexible material supports and allows the column accepts various curvatures (simulating deformations). Used in practical ...
Nacional Ossos

Vertebrae L1 to L5. Developed in rigid polyurethane and joined with a flexible material discs. A rod of flexible material supports and allows the column accepts various curvatures (simulating deformations). Used in practical work and ...
Nacional Ossos

C1 to C7 vertebrae Developed in rigid polyurethane and joined with a flexible material discs. A rod of flexible material supports and allows the column accepts various curvatures (simulating deformations). Used in practical work and ...
Nacional Ossos

長さ: 910 mm
... 後頭骨、全脊椎、仙骨と骨盤、動脈を含む脊椎 素材 - 椎骨と骨盤:ソリッドフォーム、LSS海綿骨密度、ディスク:ソフトフレキシブルフォーム 備考 - 海綿骨ブロックを追加してお届けします。 オプション - PR1604 Spine lg bed Ant C1-L5 Pelvisと併用可能。 骨折 - 無傷モデル サイズ - 大 方向 - ニュートラル 仕上げ - なし モデルタイプ - 無傷 構造 - 動脈、骨 手術 - 脊椎 使用目的 - ...
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