100 mL disinfectants

6 companies | 7 products
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{{#pushedProductsPlacement4.length}} {{#each pushedProductsPlacement4}}

{{product.productLabel}} {{product.model}}

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{{/if}} {{#each product.productTagAssociationList}}
{{/each}} {{/pushedProductsPlacement5.length}}
floors ans surface disinfectant
floors ans surface disinfectant
Spray In GA

- Minimum Order Quantity of 2 unmixed pallets. - Incoterm EXW Spray In GA is a ready-to-use, low-alcohol disinfectant for surface disinfection. Limited spectrum of virucidal activity effective. Strong effect after ...

floors ans surface disinfectant
floors ans surface disinfectant
Beta Guard rfu

- Minimum Order Quantity of 2 unmixed pallets. - Incoterm EXW Limited spectrum of virucidal activity effective. Especially suitable for alcohol-sensitive surfaces aldehyde-, QAC- and colorant free no foaming applicable in ...

floors ans surface disinfectant
floors ans surface disinfectant

... bacteria, pyogenic coccus, pathogenic yeast and hospital infection common germs. Germicidal Spectrum 3% Hydrogen Peroxide Disinfectant can kill the microorganisms such as enteric pathogenic bacteria, pyogenic coccus, ...

floors ans surface disinfectant
floors ans surface disinfectant

Antivirus disinfectant Covid Ox is a ready-to-use, high concentrated, quick-acting disinfectant for killing and preventing viruses, bacteria, germs, fungi, especially during a viral epidemic. It has an ...

hand hygiene disinfectant
hand hygiene disinfectant

It cleans the skin kindly, removes bad smell and decreases germs It offers a practical cleaning service for patients hospitalized It provides hygiene without the need for rinsing It maintains the body’s natural moisture balance It ...

floors ans surface disinfectant
floors ans surface disinfectant

Crebisol is a unique multipurpose, multiple environment disinfectant cleaner and has achieved significant independent certification to date which includes a Log 8 kill rate for MRSA in 30 seconds which is effective for ...

body hygiene disinfectant
body hygiene disinfectant

Dry and itchy scalp. Antibacterial, Antifungal, Antiviral. Alcohol, silicone and oil-free.

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