25-parameter hematology analyzers

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automatic hematology analyzer
automatic hematology analyzer
Spincell 5plus

Weight: 73 kg
Length: 660 mm
Width: 565 mm

Haematology analyser 5 Diff Multi-dimensional cellular classification laser Up to 60 samples per hour Differentiation of WBC in 5 parts Automatic loader with 50 positions Four reagents for analysing 25 ...

automatic hematology analyzer
automatic hematology analyzer

Throughput: 60 p/h

> Autoloader optional > Environmental friendly cyanide- free reagent > Large storage capacity, up to 500,000 samples

automatic hematology analyzer
automatic hematology analyzer
Counter 29

Throughput: 60 p/h
Sample volume: 0.015 ml
Weight: 24 kg

... WBC and for WBC counting. Electrical impedance method for RBC and PLT. Cyanide-free reagent for hemoglobin analysis Parameters: 25 reportable: WBC, LYM (#,%), MON (#,%), NEU (#,%), BAS(#,%), EOS ...

hospital hematology analyzer
hospital hematology analyzer

Throughput: 60 p/h
Sample volume: 0.015 ml
Weight: 21 kg

... 5000 Automatic Hematology Analyzer uses Laser based flow cytometry to count white blood cells in blood sample, uses electrical impedance to count red blood cells and platelets, and colorimetry to measure ...

automatic hematology analyzer
automatic hematology analyzer
EH 590

Throughput: 90 p/h
Sample volume: 0.02 ml
Weight: 57.5 kg

Ensure a reliable instrument performance with stringent material selection and intelligent design of system components. OVERVIEW CAPILLARY BLOOD - SAMPLE - LOADING - PATIENT-REPORTEDOUTCOMES - EXCELLENT DATA MANAGEMENT Sample ...

automatic hematology analyzer
automatic hematology analyzer
MicroCC-25 Plus

Throughput: 60 p/h
Sample volume: 0.015, 0.02 ml
Weight: 35 kg

... Data Review Calibration: Automated, Manual Quality Control: 60 QC Files x 500 results; calculation of mean, SD, CV% per parameter, QC database, automatic charts, L-J of 500 results, X-B - 100 QC data (20-200 number ...

automatic hematology analyzer
automatic hematology analyzer
PCE 525

Throughput: 60 p/h
Sample volume: 0.0156, 0.02 ml
Weight: 15 kg

Parameters: Bas%, Eos%, Lym#, Mon#, Neu#, Eos#, Bas#, RBC, HGB, HCT, MCV, MCH, MCHC, RDW-CV, RDW-SD, PLT, MPV, PDW, PCT,P-LCR, P-LCC 4 Research parameters include IMM%, IMM#, ALY%, ALY# Efficient irrespective ...

hospital hematology analyzer
hospital hematology analyzer

Throughput: 70 p/h
Sample volume: 0.01 ml - 0.02 ml
Weight: 60 kg

... . Technical Parameters: Parameters 25 reportable parameters: WBC, RBC, HGB, HCT, MCV, MCH, MCHC, RDW-SD, RDW-CV, PLT, MPV, PCT, PDW, P-LCR, P-LCC, NEU%, LYM%, ...

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