4-channel thromboelastographs

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4-channel thromboelastographs | Choosing the Right Coagulation Analyzer
Coagulation analyzers are classified either by their operating mode, number of channels, or measurement method. By operating mode Automatic coagulation analyzers: These are fully automated devices that operate autonomously. Semi-automatic coagulation analyzers: These models require the intervention of a laboratory technician to prepare and position the samples. By the number of channels: Coagulation analyzers are also...
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automatic thromboelastograph
automatic thromboelastograph

Sample volume: 1 ml
Weight: 22 kg
Width: 291 mm

... within 2 hours Patented Design small size and light weight; six technical modules High Throughput four independent channels; compatible with various cup types Intelligent Operation automatic loading, ...

automated thromboelastograph
automated thromboelastograph
Haema T4

... technology. Higher throughput, 4 independent channels. Simpler operation with optional automated pipette. Easy to use with large touchscreen, intuitive operation system, HIS/LISconnection, etc. Compact ...

automatic thromboelastograph
automatic thromboelastograph

... Whole Procedure monitoring Real-time protection, Easy to handle emergencies Fast Simultaneous detection of four channels, independent opération, automatic smoothing on the cup, safe and fast Accurate The ...

semi-automated thromboelastograph
semi-automated thromboelastograph

Length: 315 mm
Width: 198 mm
Height: 255 mm

... point-of-care, ICU/CCU Semi-automated TEG analyzer Integrated analyzer and computer, PC free Capable for ail TEG tests in a single 4-channele analyzer

automatic thromboelastograph
automatic thromboelastograph

Thrombelastography (TEG) is a method of testing the efficiency of coagulation in the blood.It has been widely used for decades in the world,TEG provides an effective and convenient means of monitoring whole blood coagulation.It evaluates ...

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