Acetabular reinforcements

5 companies | 5 products
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acetabular reinforcement
acetabular reinforcement

Reconstruction Shell Reconstruction ring for larger acetabular defects The AESCULAP® Reconstruction Shell is intended for severe acetabular revision cases. The anatomical geometry reinforces the bony ...

acetabular reinforcement
acetabular reinforcement
R.7582-00 series

REVISION HIP PROSTHESES Acetabular Cage Size 50mm 56mm 62mm

acetabular reinforcement
acetabular reinforcement

COSYX is an acetabular reinforcement system for cemented cups. It allows to cover revision indications with loss of bone substance as well as primary treatment. Combined with bone graft, COSYX enables ...

acetabular reinforcement
acetabular reinforcement

The plate is intended for implantation into the acetabulum in cases where the artificial socket could rupture. Implant characteristics: The plate has a collar which has the function of supporting the edge of the acetabulum. The ...

acetabular reinforcement
acetabular reinforcement
110349 series

The rings and reinforcement cages are recommended in case of revision of the acetabular component and in case of bone deficiency. Muller-type reinforcement ring Reinforcement ...

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