Active laboratory incubators

2 companies | 4 products
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{{#each product.featureValues}} {{content}} {{/each}}
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{{/end}} {{/each}}


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{{/end}} {{/each}}


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CO2 laboratory incubator
CO2 laboratory incubator

Temperature range: 5 °C - 50 °C
Capacity: 165 l

... Heat Sterilisation. Dry heat sterilisation utilises the incubator’s two heaters during the 180°C sterilisation process, which takes 11 hours. There is no effect on temperature inside stacked incubators ...

transportable laboratory incubator
transportable laboratory incubator
CELLBOX Shipper Flight

Temperature range: 28 °C - 38 °C
Capacity: 0 l - 4 l

Cellbox Shipper Flight - a portable CO2 incubator to ship live cells and other biological material worldwide. - CO2 source: Dry ice sublimation - CO2 concentration (%): 0 – 18 - Temperature range: - 28-38°C @ 23°C ...

transportable laboratory incubator
transportable laboratory incubator
CELLBOX Shipper Ground

Temperature range: 28 °C - 38 °C
Capacity: 0 l - 4 l

Cellbox Shipper Ground - a portable CO2 incubator to ship live cells and other biological material. The most convenient way to transport your cells by car, train or ship. - CO2 source: Disposable mini cartridge - ...

CO2 laboratory incubator
CO2 laboratory incubator
Cellbox™ Go Ground

Temperature range: 18 °C - 38 °C
Capacity: 3.6 l

Portable Incubator with active CO₂ & Temperature Control to ship live cells and other biological material for short & mid-distance journeys: -Set Incubation Temperature Range*: 18° - 38 °C -Set ...

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