Animal research pulse oximeters

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2 companies | 5 products
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hand-held pulse oximeter
hand-held pulse oximeter

Pulse rate: 25 unit - 250 unit
Oxygen level: 0 % - 100 %
Battery life: 24 h

• Accurate measurement in ail kinds of extreme environment measurement such as neonate and shock patients • 2.8" color wide viewing Angle TFT LCD • Support audio and visual alarm, support to set alarm upper and lower limit values • ...

hand-held pulse oximeter
hand-held pulse oximeter

... customization. Product performance: Diversified functional combinations: PM4 Version A: SpO2, PM4 Version B: SpO2 + CO2, PM4 Version C: SpO2 + blood pressure. 3 different functional combinations ...

hand-held pulse oximeter
hand-held pulse oximeter
PM-1A mini VET

Pulse rate: 18 unit - 300 unit
Oxygen level: 70 % - 99 %

... Power: 1.5V (AAA size) alkaline battery x 3 (Not included) Supply voltage: 4.5~5V   Included: - 1 x Main Unit - 1 x SPO2 probe - 1 x user manual - 1 x color Box

fingertip pulse oximeter
fingertip pulse oximeter

... second-generation product of STARR’s small animal pulse oximeter monitor in the United States. It can measure physiological parameters such as SpO2, heart rate, respiratory rate, pulse ...

fingertip pulse oximeter
fingertip pulse oximeter

... second-generation product of STARR’s small animal pulse oximeter monitor in the United States. It can measure physiological parameters such as SpO2, heart rate, respiratory rate, pulse ...

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