Aortic valve prostheses

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Aortic valve prostheses | Choosing the Right Valve Prosthesis
There are valve prostheses for each type of heart valve, i.e. four types of prostheses: Aortic prostheses: Aortic valve prostheses are used to repair the aortic valve at the junction between the heart and the aorta. The aorta is the main artery of the human body, carrying blood from the heart to all parts of the body, excluding the lungs. Mitral prostheses: These are used to repair or replace a patient's native mitral valve. The mitral valve is one of the...
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aortic valve bioprosthesis
aortic valve bioprosthesis

... SAPIEN 3 Ultra valve, powered by RESILIA tissue Advanced calcium-blocking technology*1 same tissue technology Same tissue technology used in the #1 implanted surgical valve in the US potential ...

aortic valve prosthesis
aortic valve prosthesis

... set of mechanical heart valve solutions backed by proven, excellent clinical results in over 20 years of published follow up. The Carbomedics name is intrinsically linked to the historical development of mechanical ...

aortic valve prosthesis
aortic valve prosthesis

... other mechanical and bioprosthetic aortic valves at ≥1 year. 1,3-7   *Reduce INR after 3 months of standard therapy.1 Clinical Evidence 87% Lower Bleeding Risk with 50% Lower INR1 The On-X Aortic ...

aortic valve prosthesis
aortic valve prosthesis

... Patients Available Aortic Models CARBOMEDICS TOP HAT Totally Supra-Annular Aortic Valve Sizes 19-27 mm CARBOMEDICS STANDARD Aortic Valve Sizes ...

aortic valve prosthesis
aortic valve prosthesis

On-X Heart Valves Product Division has developed and produces the technically advanced On-X Prosthetic Heart Valve. On-X valves provide low turbulence for increased thromboresistance. (Left ...

aortic valve bioprosthesis
aortic valve bioprosthesis

... ready-for-use, balloon expandable aortic heart valve and delivery system. The company’s second-generation TAVI system includes enhancements to address a wider range of patient candidates ...

aortic valve prosthesis
aortic valve prosthesis

... On-X Aortic Valve.3 In a prospective randomized clinical trial, On-X Aortic Valve patients with a reduced blood thinner dose* had > 60% fewer bleeding events without ...

tricuspid valve bioprosthesis
tricuspid valve bioprosthesis

... in the patient with a simple radiology exam. The product is indicated for the replacement of the Mitral, Aortic, Tricuspid or Pulmonary Valves.

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Braile Biomedica
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