Atomic emission spectrometers

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Atomic emission spectrometers | Choosing the Right Spectrometer
Emission spectrometers are mainly used for quantitative and qualitative analysis at the atomic level. The sample under analysis is excited and emits radiation. The quantitative measurement of this radiation from the excited atoms makes it possible to determine the concentration of a substance present in the sample, i.e. the analyte. These are some of the characteristics of emission spectrometers: Very wide and dynamic measuring range Qualitative and...
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atomic absorption spectroscope
atomic absorption spectroscope

Handheld spectroscope without wavelength scale Suitable for most laboratory applications Portable precision spectroscopes Ideal for demonstration in schools and universities For qualitative analysis ...

atomic absorption spectroscope
atomic absorption spectroscope

... instrument for schools and universities. It is easy to calibrate and is suitable for qualitative observation and measurement of emission and absorption spectra. Both observation tube and eyepiece are movable, the scale ...

atomic emission spectrometer
atomic emission spectrometer

Wavelength: 167 nm - 800 nm

ICPE-9800 Series of simultaneous ICP atomic emission spectrometers are next-generation systems that offer the superior accuracy necessary to simultaneously and quickly analyze multiple ...

See the other products
Shimadzu Europa Analytical Instruments
atomic emission spectrometer
atomic emission spectrometer

Wavelength: 167 nm - 800 nm

... elements simultaneously, ICP emission spectrometers are used in a broad range of fields, such as environmental testing, pharmaceuticals, foods, chemicals, and metals. ICPE-9800 Series of simultaneous ...

See the other products
Shimadzu Europa Analytical Instruments
ICP-AES spectrometer
ICP-AES spectrometer

Wavelength: 180 nm - 800 nm

(1) - Fast analysis speed: 20 elements per minute at most (2) - Scan range: scan range 180 ~ 500nm, sine bar mode, motivated by computer-controlled puise motor, minimum scan pace 0.0005nm (3) - Wavelength indication error and repeatability: ...

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