Auscultation patient simulators

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8 companies | 20 products
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auscultation patient simulator
auscultation patient simulator
Super CHLOE™ S222.100.250

... real-time CPR quality feedback, virtual patient monitor support, and debriefing tools. Super Chloe is an adult manikin designed for training general nursing clinical skills, including IV training, ...

See the other products
auscultation patient simulator
auscultation patient simulator

ADAM-X Xtreme is the highest fidelity adult patient simulator, ideal for medical training, advanced life support scenarios, and simulation of countless clinical cases. Tetherless and wireless, ADAM-X ...

auscultation patient simulator
auscultation patient simulator

... OSCE / Physical assessment at home care / Recognize adventitious sounds / Learn basic lung sound auscultation technique / Respiratory auscultation for physical examination / Learn case information ...

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Kyoto Kagaku
adult patient simulator
adult patient simulator

ADAM-X is the male patient simulator designed for practicing skills and providing medical assistance in case of emergency. ADAM-X is a reproduction of a skeletal and anatomical structure of a human. It ...

ultrasound imaging patient simulator
ultrasound imaging patient simulator

Anatomical medical training simulator for ultrasound guidance, consisting of two modules. The catheter insertion module is echorefringent for punctures. It has three tubeless vessels, which connect to the three tubeless ...

intensive care patient simulator
intensive care patient simulator

... is our adult patient simulator designed to support the most challenging tasks in healthcare education. It has accumulated the results of the years of our work in the designing and improvement of medical ...

auscultation patient simulator
auscultation patient simulator

By reproducing various symptoms, supports practice of auscultation with a feeling of being in a clinical situation. 1. Learning through practice with a sense of reality Sternum and soft touch of the skin Seven built-in ...

auscultation patient simulator
auscultation patient simulator

... auxiliary examination and vividly simulate all the related pre-hospital and hospital body signs, treatment measures and auxiliary examination of emergency patients. Implement standard: AHA (American ...

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