Autopsy room air supply systems

2 companies | 3 products
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autopsy room air supply system
autopsy room air supply system
TFAH 900

Fresh Air Hood The fresh air hood has especially been developed for the area above the autopsy table, with regulable additional flow and steady illumination for optimal working conditions ...

autopsy room air supply system
autopsy room air supply system
ZU 10/900

This fresh air hood was particularly designed for the area above the autopsy table. It has a sturdyself-supporting construction and is made of brushed stainless steel (material no. 1.4301 -ANSI 304). ...

See the other products
KUGEL medical GmbH & Co. KG
autopsy room air supply system
autopsy room air supply system
LFZU 10/910

This laminarflow fresh air hood was particularly designed for the area above the autopsy table. It has a sturdy self-supporting construction and is made of brushed stainless steel (material no. 1.4301 ...

See the other products
KUGEL medical GmbH & Co. KG
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