Autopsy weighing scales with LED display

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electronic autopsy weighing scale
electronic autopsy weighing scale

Weighing capacity: 30 kg
Readability: 1 g
Width: 535 mm

Electronic organ scale. With an accuracy of 1g, this completely sealed scale is designed for specific needs in hospitals and medical institutions. The stainless steel bowl completes this ...

hanging autopsy weighing scale
hanging autopsy weighing scale

Weighing capacity: 0 kg - 100 kg
Readability: 200 g
Width: 80 mm

Sturdy hanging balance for minor loads. By means of a stainless steel snap hook, the scale can be used for various purposes. The scale is being delivered with batteries (3x1.5 V) and ...

electronic autopsy weighing scale
electronic autopsy weighing scale

Weighing capacity: 0 g - 20,000 g
Readability: 0.5 g

Organ scales adapted to every need. SCALE FEATURES: Red LED display with 6 digits of 18 mm. 12 function indication LEDs. 4 keys. Stainless ...

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