Backboard stretcher emergency immobilizers

12 companies | 14 products
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ankle emergency immobilizer
ankle emergency immobilizer

... to its innovative design, its robust material and its fixation system, it can be used effectively on spine boards and also on other types of stretchers. Made of injection-moulded plastic ...

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Spencer Italia
spine emergency immobilizer
spine emergency immobilizer
78 Pedi-Pac

Treating pediatric patients poses unique challenges for emergency responders. While spinal injuries in children are rare, they can be life-threatening and require specialized child immobilizer equipment. ...

spine emergency immobilizer
spine emergency immobilizer

It is a rescue vest used to immobilize the spine with its horizontal flexibility and vertical stiffness. 1100 denier PVC coated Polyester robust material, color-coded anchor belts. Suitable for use with anti-shock pants, ...

head emergency immobilizer
head emergency immobilizer

Adjustable to every models of spinal boards. It is made of expanded materials at closed cells covered by a vinyl material. Width cm 40,5 Depth cm 25,5 Height cm 16,5

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head emergency immobilizer
head emergency immobilizer

Adjustable to every models of spinal boards. It is made of expanded materials at closed cells covered by a vinyl material. Main features Width (cm) 40,5 Depth (cm.) 25,5 Height (cm) 16,5

head emergency immobilizer
head emergency immobilizer

·Head Immobilizer is made of high-density plastic materials, large ear holes for monitoring the patient's ear canal ·Head Immobilizer can be used with scoop stretcher and spine ...

head emergency immobilizer
head emergency immobilizer

Made of high density foam and water repellent coating. Prevents any head movement of the injured person during transportation.

head emergency immobilizer
head emergency immobilizer
MS-ED series

Ideal for immobilizing and extricating patients from auto accidents or confined spaces, the MedSource Extrication Device is easy to apply and extremely effective, offering a combination of excellent vertical rigidity and horizontal flexibility. ...

head emergency immobilizer
head emergency immobilizer

TyTek Medical’s XTricate is our tech rescue extrication and immobilization sleeve. XTricate is ideal in confined space rescue and tech rescue scenarios. It is versatile in tech rescue ...

head emergency immobilizer
head emergency immobilizer

Bumpers adjustable with Velcro pads. Soft chin and forehead suppors. large openings for ear region checking. X-rays transparent. Easy to clean, vinyl coating.

head emergency immobilizer
head emergency immobilizer

... Velcro ends through D rings on base plate. Position the patient on the backboard so that their head is positioned in the middle of the base plate. Secure the patient on the backboard with restraining ...

head emergency immobilizer
head emergency immobilizer

This Head Immobilizer conforms to any type of wooden, aluminum, or plastic long backboards as well as the Scoop Stretcher. Ear holes allow EMTs to monitor face and ear injuries. High-density ...

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