Bariatric simulators

3 companies | 4 products
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{{#each product.featureValues}} {{content}} {{/each}}
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training simulator
training simulator

Healthy people are the foundation for healthy societies The fat simulator can be used for educational purposes and it aims to promote right dietary and exercise habits. By wearing the simulation suit, the inividuals ...

artificial ventilation simulator
artificial ventilation simulator

Discover the world of ventilation simulators. SKILLQUBE has developed a ventilation simulator based on a generic user interface. The qubeVENT adds another ventilation simulator ...

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artificial ventilation simulator
artificial ventilation simulator

... patient safety and saving lives by developing simulation systems. The ventilation simulator qubeMS2 complements our current portfolio from qubeSERIEs, which includes ECG simulators based on e.g. the Corpuls3, ...

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mini-invasive surgery simulator
mini-invasive surgery simulator

Compared to traditional surgery, Minimally invasive Surgery (MIS) has much more advantages, which is now the tred in medical field. Endoscopic surgery is the foundation of MIS. iSuture, a combination of the suture training platform ...

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