Bariatric training manikins

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4 companies | 5 products
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emergency care training manikin
emergency care training manikin

Length: 30.5 in
Width: 22.8 in
Weight: 21 lb

Students always wonder how CPR manikins will compare with real victims, especially those who are older or obese. This unique manikin helps to prepare students to respond to a more typical cardiac arrest ...

CPR training manikin
CPR training manikin

Simple to use CPR Manikin with sanitary airway/face shield. For use with single students using the sanitary airway/face shield or for multiple studens use with optional filtered face shield to avoid infections. The torso ...

emergency care training manikin
emergency care training manikin

Weight: 50, 90, 180, 260 kg

... remove her from the training fuselage! Shipping: Cruise Ships could have many obese/bariatric passengers on board, would your staff know how to deal with passengers of these weights? Prisons: do ...

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Ruth Lee
emergency care training manikin
emergency care training manikin

... positioning a full-sized and full-weight bariatric manikin can be difficult depending on the training. We are therefore pleased to offer a new solution for Bariatric ...

See the other products
Ruth Lee
emergency care training manikin
emergency care training manikin

Length: 30 in
Width: 21 in
Weight: 20 lb

The Obese Choking Mankin With Carry Bag functions on the principle of clearing a blocked airway with forced air generated with the proper procedure‚ abdominal thrusts or back blows. Once the object is lodged in the ...

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