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- Behavioral research activity monitor
Behavioral research activity monitors
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... economic solution to equip your cages. A sensor records the total number of revolutions performed with a counter. Mini activity wheel made in stainless steel 2 diameters available Quickly adopted and appreciated ...

... for collecting data gathered from strength tests in rodents, it allows for statistical analysis of the data directly on the screen or PC. Concept The apparatus for measuring the grip strength is positioned horizontally ...

... poised to do the same with cellular metabolism. The following are common research directions, for example neural circuit basic research, learning and memory research, addiction research, ...

... sex-differences (Borbelyova et al., 2019), locomotor activity and kinematics (Green et al., 2012), neuroleptics and dopamine agonists (Costall et al., 1982; Pinsky et al., 1988; Medvedev et al., 2013), XYZ activity ...

... quantitative assessment of spontaneous or forced activity in various environments (e.g., treadmill, home cage). These parameters are known to be proxies of Activity Energy Expenditure.

... numerical analyses The TSE Multi Conditioning System is a multi-purpose modular platform that integrates ten different behavioral paradigms for the evaluation of learning, memory, emotion, stress-related and locomotory ...
TSE Systems

... individual activity is made possible without having to place individuals in separate cages. The MultiMouseMonitor utilizes advanced RFID technology. Based on RFID technology 24/7, fully automated Our powerful AnalyticsM ...

... developed tactile tasks, some of them including touchscreen, for other species: Humans, Primates, Horses, Hens, Trouts. The screen fits perfectly in our polymodal cages for rodents, in two versions: with only one lateral ...

... custom behavioral arenas of various sizes. It includes one or multiple cameras, Motif software, an enclosure with lighting, temperature and humidity measurement and can be extended with stimulus and stimulus control. Kastl ...

Introduction The tail suspension test is a standard test of depression. Mice and Rats are hung to the apparatus and time struggling is an approximate measure of depression. Escape oriented behaviors are quantified during measurement. ...

... for up to 24 hours. As mentioned above, we have delivered the SCLABA@ system to many pharmaceutical companies, contract research organizations, public institutions, etc. regardless of whether it is in Japan or abroad.

General Information A special adaptation of the Opto Max Activity Monitor gives the ability to quantitatively measure exploratory behavior. The typical configuration consists of a hole poke board with ...
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