Behavioral research experiment mazes

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T experiment maze
T experiment maze

The Cincinnati Water Maze (Multiple T Maze) is a spatial navigation task that measures learning and memory in rodents. Unlike the Morris Water Maze, this more complex maze ...

aquatic experiment maze
aquatic experiment maze

... The animal has to swim in an aquatic maze in order to reach the submerged platform or to find a reward in a dry version of the test. During the acquisition, rodents learn to navigate through the maze ...

behavioral research experiment maze
behavioral research experiment maze
Hebb Williams

... into a behavioral task. The maze consists of a square area with moveable internal walls, allowing the maze to be configured differently for each trial. There are six acquisition maze ...

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elevated plus experiment maze
elevated plus experiment maze

... arms include 1cm high end plates to ensure the mice do not fall off the maze during exploration. Variation 2: a variation of the elevated plus maze is the elevated cross maze, which ...

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Barnes experiment maze
Barnes experiment maze

The Barnes maze is a widely used apparatus for learning and memory. Comes with 1 target box Additional holes can be created upon request. The entire top can be rotated around the central partition. Separately, the ...

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elevated plus experiment maze
elevated plus experiment maze

... Info The Elevated Zero Maze is an elevated ring-shaped runway with the same amount of area devoted to adjacent open and closed quadrants, with increasing usage in recent years. It is very similar to the elevated plus ...

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Y experiment maze
Y experiment maze

... preferred to the T-maze because gradual turns decrease learning time as compared to the sharp turns of the T-maze. It is also a smaller maze* to allow less degrees of freedom of movement, ...

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water experiment maze
water experiment maze

Product Info The forced swim test (FST) is one of the most commonly used animal models for assessing antidepressant-like behavior. The forced swim test involves the scoring of active movements such as swimming and climbing vs. passive ...

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Morris experiment maze
Morris experiment maze

Description The Morris Water Maze is a widely used behavioral task in neuroscience for studying spatial learning and memory. This test is based on the fact that an animal will try to escape a stressful ...

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elevated plus experiment maze
elevated plus experiment maze

... Elevated Plus maze is an apparatus widely validated for anxiety and fear experiments. Using the natural aversion to open spaces, time between the closed arm and open arm is measured as a method to investigate ...

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radial-arm experiment maze
radial-arm experiment maze

The Radial Arm Maze Test is used to test spatial, working, and reference learning in rodents. In this test food is kept at the end of all the arms or in few selected arms. The animal should to learn to enter each arm ...

See the other products
VJ Instruments
water experiment maze
water experiment maze

... Richard Morris therefore it is referred to as “the Morris watermaze”. Water Maze is one of the most widely used methods to assess spatial and learning memory. The Water Maze tank is filled with water ...

See the other products
VJ Instruments
elevated plus experiment maze
elevated plus experiment maze

... divided into 2 zones, inner zone that spans in center and outer zone that spans towards wall of the maze. Greater time spent in the outer zones of the maze is recorded as increased thigmotaxis and is ...

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VJ Instruments
elevated plus experiment maze
elevated plus experiment maze

The Elevated Plus Maze test is a simple method to assess anxiety-like behaviors in rodents. The maze consists of a plus-shaped apparatus with two open arms that have no wall and two closed arms that have ...

See the other products
VJ Instruments
Y experiment maze
Y experiment maze

The Y-maze is similar to the T-maze, but has three identical arms. Gradual turns of the Y-maze decrease learning time as compared to the sharp turns of the T-maze. The ...

See the other products
VJ Instruments
T experiment maze
T experiment maze

The T-Maze is used largely in preference and spatial learning tasks. It is also used to investigate spatial learning and memory in rats and mice. Animals learn to alternate between arms based on their memory of the previously ...

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VJ Instruments
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