Biochemistry chromatography systems

4 companies | 5 products
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{{#each product.featureValues}} {{content}} {{/each}}
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{{#each product.featureValues}} {{content}} {{/each}}
{{#if product.productPrice }} {{#if product.productPrice.price }}

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HPTLC chromatography system
HPTLC chromatography system

... part of the HPTLC PRO SYSTEM. If two or more modules are connected to form a system, a conveyor moves the HPTLC plate from one module to the other. Key ...

HPTLC chromatography system
HPTLC chromatography system

... feed and store HPTLC plates within HPTLC PRO The HPTLC PRO Module PLATE STORAGE is part of the CAMAG® HPTLC PRO SYSTEM – the first fully automated ...

ion chromatography system
ion chromatography system

The HIC-ESP is a new anion suppressor ion chromatograph with built-in electrodialytic suppressor, boasting the same low carryover and excellent injection precision characteristic of Shimadzu HPLCs to bring you highly-reliable ...

SFC chromatography system
SFC chromatography system

... with ten full sized columns; each with separate temperature control, great for combining chiral and achiral SFC in a single system. Take advantage of a PDA detector combined with the CD-4095 chiral detector to work up ...

gas chromatography system
gas chromatography system

... Based on the market-leading GC system from Agilent for highest sensitivity and flexible choice of proven autosamplers, inlets and chromatography solutions Features Outstanding levels of detection ...

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