Blood disease test kits

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anemia test kit
anemia test kit

VB12 Detection kit FA Detection kit FERRITIN Detection kit hGH Detection kit IGF-1 Detection ...

anemia test kit
anemia test kit

Result display time: 45 min

... biting flies, contaminated needles or mother's milk. Once a horse is infected with EIA, it will test positive for antibody to the virus in serological tests and remain infected for life.

blood disease test kit
blood disease test kit

Result display time: 2 min
Specificity: 99.5 %

... infected individuals undergoing antiviral therapy, together with patient’s clinical data and other laboratory test results. HIV1 ELITe MGB® Kit is a quantitative assay for the detection and quantification ...

blood disease assay kit
blood disease assay kit

Result display time: 5 min
Specificity: 100 %
Sensitivity: 95, 50 %

Procleix assays expand blood screening with a comprehensive NAT assay portfolio. The NAT solutions portfolio provides screening of: HIV-1, HIV-2, HCV, HBV, WNV, Parvovirus B19, HAV, HEV, Dengue Virus, Zika Virus, Babesia, ...

anemia test kit
anemia test kit

Sample volume: 0.05, 0.04, 0.015 ml

... division and growth. In addition, folate facilitates the development of healthy red blood cells. A lack of folate could induce the reduction of hemoglobin production in red blood cells and inhibit cell ...

anemia test kit
anemia test kit

... Cost-effective, no unnecessary waste, single-use cartridge · Comprehensive solutions, multi-test parameters · Easy to use, only 3-step operation with whole blood testing · Fast, 13.5 min to first results

anemia test kit
anemia test kit
IF 1077

Result display time: 15 min

... specifications: 10 tests/box, 25 tests/box 1) GeteinFerritin test card in a sealed pouch with desiccant. 2) Disposable pipet 3) User Manual:1 piece/box 4) SD card: 1 piece/box 2. ...

infectious disease test kit
infectious disease test kit

Result display time: 60 min
Specificity: 99.8 %
Sensitivity: 99 %

The BioFire BCID2 Panel tests for 43 targets associated with bloodstream infections, including gram-negative bacteria, gram-positive bacteria, yeast, and 10 antimicrobial resistance genes—all with one test ...

infectious disease test kit
infectious disease test kit

The AESKUBLOTS® test line represents a variety of different immunoblots for an effcient sample testing of autoimmune and infectious diseases. Being coated with a plethora of specifc antigens on one ...

erythropoietin test kit
erythropoietin test kit

The Biomerica EPO ELISA is intended for the quantitative determination of Erythropoietin (EPO) in human serum. This assay is intended for in vitro diagnostic use.

EPO test kit
EPO test kit

Result display time: 2, 30 h
Sample volume: 0.2 ml

The EPO ELISA is intended for the quantitative determination of Erythropoietin (EPO) in human serum. This assay is intended for in vitro diagnostic use, as an aid in the diagnosis of anemias and polycythemias. With the ...

See the other products
DRG Instruments GmbH
infectious disease test kit
infectious disease test kit

Manufactured by SafePath® exlusively for Centaur Animal Health, the FP-ELISA II Kit is Centaur’s third generation test for antibodies to Equine Infectious Anemia Virus in horse serum. Its name is derived ...

gastrointestinal disease test kit
gastrointestinal disease test kit

Result display time: 105 min
Sample volume: 0.01 ml

... Pernicious anemia (Biermer‘s disease) is based on an undersupply of vitamin B12, which in turn can be due to a lack of intrinsic factor. Vitamin B12 and the Intrinsic Factor Vitamin B12 is essential for the formation ...

blood disease test kit
blood disease test kit

Product Name: Cytomegalovirus Detection Kit (Fluorescence PCR) Sample Type: Human urine, blood or plasma Assay Target: cytomegalovirus nucleic acid Analytical Sensitivity(LoD): 500 ...

blood disease test kit
blood disease test kit

... Ringing in the ears, or tinnitus A ferritin blood test can also help your doctor figure out whether your body is storing too much iron. High levels may point to alcohol abuse, infection, liver disease, ...

25-OH-Vit-D test kit
25-OH-Vit-D test kit

... human serum, plasma, and whole blood samples. It is mainly used clinically to assist in the diagnosis of vitamin D deficiency related diseases. For in vitro diagnostic use only. For professional use ...

See the other products
Medlere Limited
anemia test kit
anemia test kit

Specificity: 100 %
Sensitivity: 100 %

ELISA-VIDITEST anti-complement factor H is intended for the quantitative detection of IgG antibodies against human complement factor H in human serum or plasma. Factor H is a complement regulatory glycoprotein that is found in human ...

blood disease test kit
blood disease test kit

This kit is suitable for quantitatively detecting the percentage of glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1c) in human whole blood samples in vitro, and is mainly used to assist in the diagnosis of diabetes and ...

ferritin test kit
ferritin test kit

Ferritin Test Kit (Dry Fluorescence Immunoassay) is intended for in-vitro quantitative measurement of Ferr (Ferritin) in serum and plasma. Iron protein molecular weight is 45000, is composed of 24 polypeptide ...

anemia test kit
anemia test kit

Result display time: 10 min

Intended Use This kit is used to quantitatively detect the concentration of vitamin B12 (VB12) in human serum or plasma samples in vitro. Epidemiology Vitamin B12, also called cobalamin, is a polycyclic compound containing ...

ferritin test kit
ferritin test kit

Result display time: 10 min

... can lead to anemia, while too much to liver disease, rheumatoid arthritis, other inflammatory conditions, or hyperthyroidism. The ferritin test measures the level of ferritin in the blood. About ...

lymphoma test kit
lymphoma test kit

YZY Rapid FISH Probes -- Prenatal Diagnosis FISH is a common molecular biology technique used to detect chromosomal abnormalities. It is widely used in prenatal diagnosis to detect chromosomal abnormalities and prevent birth defects. Probe ...

food intolerance assay kit
food intolerance assay kit

... CATEGORY - TESTS/KIT Histamine - ALLERGY - 96 Tests Human IgG Food Allergy - ALLERGY - 96 Tests Human IgG4 Food Allergy - ALLERGY - 96 Tests Total ...

See the other products
Monocent Inc
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