Bone scrapers

12 companies | 13 products
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bone scraper
bone scraper

The 2/3 Buser Bone Scraper is used to to remove autologous bone for transplantation material with 5mm and 6mm wide working ends.

bone tap
bone tap

Indications: Osteotomy thread preparation for implants in dense bone Compatibility: ISO latch type attachments Material: Surgical grade stainless steel coating Drill speed: < 50 rpm Sterilization: Steam autoclave ...

bone scraper
bone scraper

... and development centre immediately began to search for the causes, availing of numerous studies conducted worldwide. Bone scrapers ZFP100 # BSS 15,5 cm – Retto – Straight

bone scraper
bone scraper
800 series

Bone Scraper, straight of stainless steel Spore blade straight

bone tap
bone tap

Bone tap 5 mm Material properties All instruments that come into direct contact with the sur- gical field are made of zirconium oxide. The cutting instru- ments are made of high-strength ATZ high-performance ceramic ...

bone scraper
bone scraper

... to scrape bone into a slurry or a powder for use as a bone matrix for bone regeneration or bone grafting. For collecting autogenous bone used for bone-regeneration. ...

bone scraper
bone scraper

Bone Scrappers - Bone Grafting Instruments Product Ref: 21-105-75 (3/4mm) Product Ref: 21-105-76 (4/5mm) Product Ref: 21-105-77 (3/5mm) Product Ref: 21-105-49 (6/7.5mm) Product Ref: 21-105-27 ...

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Lorien Industries
bone scraper
bone scraper

bone scraper
bone scraper

Bone Scraper Straight with Replaceable Blade is the perfect solution to scrape, collect and transplant the patient's own bone.

bone tap
bone tap

bone tap
bone tap

Short threaded tap for screw 3,5 mm Ø Long threaded tap for screw 3,5 mm Ø Threaded tap for screw 4 mm Ø Short threaded tap for screw 4,5 mm Ø Long threaded tap for screw 4,5 mm Ø Threaded tap for screw 6,5 mm Ø Tap ...

bone scraper
bone scraper

The Powerbone Bone Scraper is produced from a non toxic polymer. A stainless steel cutter is used to scrape and collect autogenous bone fragments from the chin or ramus area. Powerbone ...

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