Breathable strip dressing

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2 companies | 3 products
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cotton strip dressing
cotton strip dressing

... Wound strips provide wound support and tension reduction, allowing the wound to heal naturally without undue stress on the skin. They help minimize scarring by supporting the wound edges in close proximity during the ...

viscose strip dressing
viscose strip dressing

... the skin around the wound. [Soft, dutiful, skin-friendly] The material of the dressing is soft, the texture is good and skin-friendly. - Format 1x5 cm, 6 strips/1 piece, 1piece/1package

See the other products
Taicend Technology
polyester strip dressing
polyester strip dressing

... skin around the wound. [Soft, dutiful, skin-friendly] The material of the dressing is soft, the texture is good and skin-friendly. - Format 1x3 cm, 10 strips/1 piece, 1piece/1package

See the other products
Taicend Technology
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