Cabinet units with tray

3 companies | 5 products
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{{#each product.featureValues}} {{content}} {{/each}}
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{{/end}} {{/each}}


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supply cabinet unit
supply cabinet unit

multi-function cabinet unit
multi-function cabinet unit

... system of cabinets, such as height cabinets, drawers, sink cabinet, wall cabinets, a Line flexible and adaptable to all the needs . The cabinets can ...

multi-function cabinet unit
multi-function cabinet unit

... care, consulting rooms, head nurse/physicians’ rooms, sterilization, endoscopy and plaster rooms. It includes cabinets, overhead cabinets, sinks, storage cupboards, drawers and tables. The versatility ...

multi-function cabinet unit
multi-function cabinet unit

Professional ward kitchens for hospitals and communities, built according to the needs of healthcare and nursing staff. Completely made of AISI 304 Stainless Steel, an extremely long-lasting and sanitisable material

multi-function cabinet unit
multi-function cabinet unit

Height: 65 cm
Width: 50 cm

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