Calprotectin reagents

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diagnostic reagent kit
diagnostic reagent kit

Quantitative latex immunoassay for fecal calprotectin measurement as a marker of intestinal inflammation. CALiaGold® solution, together with the automated analyzers SENTiFIT® 270 and SENTiFOB®, is a specific diagnostic ...

calprotectin reagent
calprotectin reagent

... ) coated with anti-human Calprotectin (CP) antibodies are agglutinated when they react with feces samples containing human calprotectin. The latex particles agglutination is proportional to the concentration ...

solution reagent kit
solution reagent kit

solution reagent
solution reagent

Storage temperature: 2 °C - 37 °C

... quantitative immunoassay Calprotectin is a protein mainly found in the cytoplasm of neutrophilic granulocytes. In cases of gastrointestinal (GI) inflammation, neutrophils migrate through the intestinal wall and calprotectin ...

monoclonal antibody
monoclonal antibody

Calprotectin becomes available in the intestinal lumen via leukocyte shedding, active secretion, cell disturbance and cell death. This results in elevated faecal calprotectin levels, which can be detected ...

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