Canopy fume hoods

3 companies | 4 products
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exhaust fume hood
exhaust fume hood

Length: 48, 72 in
Depth: 30 in
Height: 18 in

... bulky apparatus. Canopy Hoods are specifically designed to vent non-toxic materials such as heat, steam and odors from large or bulky apparatus that do not require a physical barrier such as ovens, ...

exhaust fume hood
exhaust fume hood

Exhaust canopies are primarily used to exhaust non-toxic materials such as steam, odors and heat in a work area where the expense and capabilities of a fume hood are not justified. Integrally welded ...

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Mott Manufacturing
exhaust fume hood
exhaust fume hood

While there are standard sizes for canopy fume hoods, we can design your canopy hood to your specific size requirements.

See the other products
Mott Manufacturing
exhaust fume hood
exhaust fume hood

Canopy hoods are designed to collect and exhaust corrosive vapors, heat, steam, and odors when mounted over areas with water baths, hot plates, or portable equipment. Standard color: Lab White. Wall Canopy ...

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