Cardiac Holter monitor bags

2 companies | 6 products
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cardiac Holter monitor bag
cardiac Holter monitor bag

Bag for medical equipment ASPEL T-700 - Bag for ECG Holter. Weight 0,11kg

See the other products
cardiac Holter monitor bag
cardiac Holter monitor bag

Bag for medical equipment ASPEL T-702 - Bag for ECG Holter. Weight 0,055kg

See the other products
cardiac Holter monitor bag
cardiac Holter monitor bag

Bag for medical equipment ASPEL T-712 - Bag for ECG Holter. Weight 0,065kg

See the other products
cardiac Holter monitor bag
cardiac Holter monitor bag

Bag for medical equipment ASPEL T-800 - Bag for ECG Holter. Weight 0,11kg

See the other products
cardiac Holter monitor bag
cardiac Holter monitor bag
TH-700 v.101

... recorder is placed on the patient's chest or above his hip. Two straps for holding the record bag are tied at the back of the patient's neck. The flap of the bag blocks the recorder from accidentally ...

See the other products
cardiac Holter monitor bag
cardiac Holter monitor bag
Custom Holter Pouches

... project: Pouch for daily-used Holter device Challenge: Create a carrying solution that can be easily carried by the patient every day. Solution: A carrying system that contains an easy-to-use kit ...

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