- Medical Technical Facilities >
- Hospital infrastructure >
- Cardiac surgery laminar flow module
Cardiac surgery laminar flow modules
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ATA Laminar Air Flow ceilings provide effective protection against contamination and are dedicated to operating theatres to achieve an ISO 5 room classification. They create a clean zone ...
... lights, pendants, beams…) The ATA laminar air flow ceilings adapt to any room configuration and meet surgeon specific needs by creating a clean area around the patient, medical staff ...
... prosthesis can be exposed to infections by microorganisms that colonize the biomaterial. Infection of the prosthesis is the first cause of death in the series of infected patients. Mobile Focused Laminar ...
TOUL Mobile laminar flow eliminates 99.995% of bacteria and viruses and prevents contamination of surgical instruments and the operating field throughout the surgery ...
... microorganisms from settling in the surgical wound, keeping it sterile or on surgical instruments which, in the case of cardiac surgery, remain open ...
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