Cas9 Protein reagents

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enzyme reagent
enzyme reagent
C002 series

Storage temperature: -20 °C

Magigen CRISPR Cas9 protein, spCas9, Streptococcus pyogenes Cas9, is an RNA-guided endonuclease that catalyzes site-specific cleavage ...

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Guangzhou Magigen Biotechnology Co. Ltd
enzyme reagent
enzyme reagent
C007 series

Storage temperature: -20 °C

... 5´ to the mismatch. Introduction Magigen T7 Endonuclease can be used to detect gene mutation, SNP, TALEN or CRISPR / cas9 mutants, identify mismatched DNA, and resolve four-way cross DNA or branched ...

See the other products
Guangzhou Magigen Biotechnology Co. Ltd
Cas9 Protein reagent
Cas9 Protein reagent

Storage temperature: -70 °C

packaging vial of 50 μL Quality Level 200 concentration 500 ng/μL shipped in dry ice

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