Cell microcentrifuges

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5 companies | 5 products
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laboratory microcentrifuge
laboratory microcentrifuge

Speed: 13,500, 17,300 rpm
RCF max (g): 12,300, 27,237 unit
Noise level: 56 dB

... with a fixed angle rotor including adaptors for 0,2 mL microtubes. The centrifuge is recommended for molecular works of cell collection, phenol extraction, simple spin-down etc. Features Compact design built ...

laboratory microcentrifuge
laboratory microcentrifuge

Speed: 7,000 rpm
RCF max (g): 2,680 unit
Length: 160 mm

... MD1008, 7000rpm Mini Microcentrifuge brings a new level of performance and reliability to laboratories. This mini microcentrifuge takes up very little space on the bench and is suitable for many applications ...

molecular biology microcentrifuge
molecular biology microcentrifuge
Gyro™ Plus

Speed: 1 rpm - 12 rpm
RCF max (g): 6,900 unit
Weight: 1 kg

... submarine for a spin! DESCRIPTION Variable speed microcentrifuge, with multiple speed settings through a user-friendly LED. Widely used in physical and chemistry analyses, biochemistry, molecular and cell ...

laboratory microcentrifuge
laboratory microcentrifuge
Micro 12™

Speed: 1,000 rpm - 14,000 rpm
RCF max (g): 16,000 unit
Weight: 10 lb

... Micro 12™ centrifuge is a versatile microcentrifuge, ideal for clinical, molecular and bacteriological applications The Micro 12™ High Speed Microcentrifuge is perfect for small volume samples, quick ...

laboratory microcentrifuge
laboratory microcentrifuge

Speed: 6,000 rpm
RCF max (g): 2,000 unit
Weight: 1.2 kg

HTL Mini Microcentrifuge is designed and dedicated to a wide range of applications in medical, veterinary, biochemical and other laboratories where constituents of investigated materials are to be separated under the ...

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