Central air purifiers

4 companies | 8 products
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compact air purifier
compact air purifier
Eolis 600S

Impact area: 60 m²
Noise level: 18 dB - 52 dB
Length: 385 mm

Hygeco had to add a range of air purifiers made in France to its catalogue. EOLIS Air Manager is eco-designed, which means that it respects the principles of sustainable development throughout ...

compact air purifier
compact air purifier

... With full redundancy throughout, the air purifier module has all components necessary to provide clean, dry air beyond the requirements of NFPA 99. The central controller ...

centralized air sterilizer
centralized air sterilizer
Q 100 AC

Gas Plasma Air sterilization system for centralized air conditioning systems; installation is done on the central AC system. PM2.5 filtration, through the combination ...

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mobile air sterilizer
mobile air sterilizer
Q 100

Noise level: 53 dB
Length: 600 mm
Width: 600 mm

Gas Plasma air sterilization system with ceiling installation. PM2.5 filtration, through the combination of primary filter, central filter, plasma module, Cumulate Clean Mass (CCM) is P4 (top level). The ...

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central air sterilizer
central air sterilizer
B 100

Weight: 18 kg
Noise level: 53 dB
Length: 960 mm

... primary filter, central filter, plasma module, Cumulate Clean Mass (CCM) is P4 (top level). The elimination rate of natural spores and staphylococcus is 99.90%. With Cloud, users are able to capture device operation ...

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mobile air sterilizer
mobile air sterilizer
Y 100

Weight: 15 kg
Noise level: 50 dB
Length: 300 mm

... primary filter, central filter, plasma module, Cumulate Clean Mass (CCM) is P4 (top level). The elimination rate of natural spores and staphylococcus is 99.90%. With Cloud, users are able to capture device operation ...

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mobile air purifier
mobile air purifier

Impact area: 1,000 m²
Weight: 6 kg
Noise level: 30 dB

... sterilization technology and UVA sterilization technology , with a big air flow of 1000m³/h , Tunnel 400 can eliminates VOC, TVOC, pathogens and other harmful substances in the air without affecting ...

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FasFreDe decontamination co ., ltd
mobile air purifier
mobile air purifier

Impact area: 100 m²
Weight: 15 kg
Noise level: 65 dB

... time for reenter and keep high hygiene air .It is build with a super fast H2O2 catalyzing system and high level air decontamination technology with people present. Can be also used for indoor high level ...

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FasFreDe decontamination co ., ltd
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