Cervical osteosynthesis units

6 companies | 6 products
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cervical osteosynthesis unit
cervical osteosynthesis unit

For posterior cervical internal fixation This posterior implement is mainly used to cure uni-segment or multi-segment spine fracture; uni-segment and multi-segment spine instability; and recessive ...

cervical osteosynthesis unit
cervical osteosynthesis unit

cervical osteosynthesis unit
cervical osteosynthesis unit

The SureLOK™ PC is a cervicothoracic system that offers a simple and versatile solution to posterior cervicothoracic fixation. The top loading, low profile polyaxial screw design features 80° of angulation to allow for ease of rod insertion ...

cervical osteosynthesis unit
cervical osteosynthesis unit

Completely Compatible with the Cervical Anatomy Low Profile Design and Special Designed Screw Locking Color Anodizing for Specifying the Different Screw Diameters Suitable Lengths and Diameters for Each Level (Many ...

cervical osteosynthesis unit
cervical osteosynthesis unit
ISpine PCS

... Indications This system is mostly suitable for patients who require posterior cervical fixation due to spinal deformity, degenerative disease, fracture dislocation, cervical vertebra tumor and tuberculosis. Contraindications ◆ ...

cervical osteosynthesis unit
cervical osteosynthesis unit

ADULT CERVICAL ARTHRODESIS & PAEDIATRIC SPINAL DEFORMITIES The KM BABY osteosynthesis system is intended to provide fixation between two or more vertebrae. Indications ADULT : – Adulte ...

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