Cervical specula

5 companies | 5 products
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cervical speculum
cervical speculum
030 series

... -4mm Kogan with Gauge & Ratchet 4-8mm Kogan with Gauge & Ratchet 8-12mm Townsend Endocervical Speculum 8-12mm Endocervical Speculum (Stainless Steel)

cervical speculum
cervical speculum

The PM-CARE® SPECULUM speculum is used to explore, view, and examine the uterine cervix and vagina, and to access the cervical canal and uterine cavity when performing ...

cervical speculum
cervical speculum

Specula with 275mm reach and 25mm jaws Removes the difficulty of cleaning hinge and ratchet Scaled ratchet for controlled visibility

cervical speculum
cervical speculum
G92-10 series

w/Ratchet, 2-4mm jaw, 10.5″(26.7cm) w/Ratchet, 4-8mm jaw, 10.5″(26.7cm) w/Ratchet, 7mm jaw, 10.5″(26.7cm) w/o Lock 9.5″(24.1cm)

cervical speculum
cervical speculum

... introduces the ClearSpec Speculum. The only speculum clinically proven to provide complete visualization of the cervix in 3 times as many patients BENEFITS: May help to improve ...

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