Clinical chemistry test strips

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clinical chemistry test strip
clinical chemistry test strip

Result display time: 2 min
Specificity: 99.9 %
Sensitivity: 99.9 %

The Alcohol Rapid Test Strip (Milk) is a rapid, highly sensitive method to detect the presence of alcohol in milk and provide an approximation of relative blood alcohol concentration. This test ...

See the other products
clinical chemistry test strip
clinical chemistry test strip

Result display time: 5 min
Specificity: 99.9 %
Sensitivity: 99.9 %

The Alcohol Rapid Test Strip (Saliva) is a rapid, highly sensitive method to detect the presence of alcohol in saliva and provide an approximation of relative blood alcohol concentration. This test ...

See the other products
research laboratory test strip
research laboratory test strip

These strips are required for use with the eBQC LAB device. The strips are disposable. Only one strip can be used per measure.

ketosis test strip
ketosis test strip

Result display time: 30 s - 120 s

... Conventional UTI test strips (e.g., at home uti test) only capture two parameters related to urinary tract health. 10 parameter reagent strips for urinalysis, on the ...

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