Clinical immunochemistry analyzers

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fully automated immunochemistry analyzer
fully automated immunochemistry analyzer

Throughput: 200 p/h
Analysis duration: 17 min
Sample volume: 0.01 ml - 0.03 ml

... random-access immunochemistry analyser Continuous loading for longer walk-away time Effective prevention of carry-over High sensitivity and specificity of the results HISCL-5000 provides ...

automatic immunochemistry analyzer
automatic immunochemistry analyzer

... applications (double and triple stains; IHC/ISH), in situ PCR, micro-RNA and special staining across diagnostics, translational and clinical research etc. Specifications Capacity - 48 slides Number of reagent ...

automatic immunochemistry analyzer
automatic immunochemistry analyzer

XD313-Vet Fluorescence immuno-quantitative analyzer Precise Quantitative analysis of sample concentration by measuring the immunochromatographic color development or fluorescence display method on the test card Wide ...

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