Clinical laboratory mixers

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2 companies | 3 products
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vortex laboratory mixer
vortex laboratory mixer

Rotational speed: 0 rpm - 1,500 rpm

Features: Used for various mixing applications with optional adapters Maintenance-free brushless DC motor Specifications Specifications - VMX-M Shaking movement - Orbital Orbital diameter - 4.5mm Max. shaking weight - 0.5kg (with ...

roller laboratory mixer
roller laboratory mixer

Rotational speed: 0 rpm - 70 rpm

The tube rollers provide a gentle and highly efficient rolling motion, ideal for mixing blood samples, viscous substances and liquid-solid suspensions. Used in a variety of applications, such as the prevention of blood coagulation, immune ...

digital laboratory mixer
digital laboratory mixer
Xcellerex™ XDUO

... sensing and process control, combined with robust mixing and ease of use. XDUO Mixing Systems are suitable for commercial and clinical production of biopharmaceuticals, vaccines, and other biologics. It supports upstream ...

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