Clinical research microbiological safety cabinets

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3 companies | 3 products
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class II microbiological safety cabinet
class II microbiological safety cabinet
Solis Essentiel

Air downflow rate: 240 m³/h - 500 m³/h

Unrivalled safety for the handler, their handlings and the environment Safety cabinets provide absolute biological protection for the handler, the handling and the environment against ...

class I microbiological safety cabinet
class I microbiological safety cabinet

The biological safety cabinets are equipped with support stands that are constructed of welded 2” cold-rolled tubular steel with baked powder coat paint finish. These equipments offer ...

class II microbiological safety cabinet
class II microbiological safety cabinet
LBS Series

Labtop range of biological safety cabinets and laminar airflow cabinets are designed for product, personnel and environmental protection. These Safety ...

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