Compact medical warmers

3 companies | 4 products
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{{#each product.featureValues}} {{content}} {{/each}}
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{{/each}} {{/pushedProductsPlacement5.length}}
healthcare facility medical warmer
healthcare facility medical warmer

... are ready to go. Maintains a stable temperature of 40-45°C to keep wipes at a pleasant temperature for patient use. It's compact frame holds up to 24 individual product packs.

fluid medical warmer
fluid medical warmer
Fluido® Irrigation

The Fluido® Irrigation Fluid Warmer is designed to deliver large volumes of normothermic irrigation fluids at optimum fl ow rates. It is suitable for all irrigation applications, from Urology to Gynaecology and Ortho ...

See the other products
TSC Life
liquid medical warmer
liquid medical warmer
Fluido® Compact

Fluido® Compact is a low to moderate flow Blood and Fluid Warming system. It is easy to use, safe and cost-effective with an outstanding performance for daily use. One button operation and easy cleaning The Fluido® ...

See the other products
TSC Life
drug medical warmer
drug medical warmer
SWS, SW series

(SWS Series) Syringe Warmer The SWS-Series Syringe Warmers from Warner Instruments provides a simple iand effective method for maintaining a stable temperature within a syringe. The compact ...

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