Computer-based urinary flow meters

7 companies | 9 products
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computer-based urinary flow meter
computer-based urinary flow meter
(URO-S-N) Morpheus® Uroflowmetry

... Morpheus® Uroflowmetry Operator’s Guide Providing one Channel of Uroflowmetry Flow Volume, One Channel of Uroflowmetry Flow Rate, One Channel of Uroflowmetry Average Flow Rate, Three ...

computer-based urinary flow meter
computer-based urinary flow meter
(WLC-T) WiFLOW® Uroflowmetry

WiFLOW® UROFLOWMETRY Includes one Touchscreen Tablet Computer, One Wireless Mouse, One Color Printer, One Wireless Uroflowmetry Load Cell with Battery Charger, One USB Serial Interface Cable,One WiFLOW® Uroflowmetry ...

computer-based urinary flow meter
computer-based urinary flow meter

Giotto is the latest and innovative flow meter can detect graphically and analytically the flow and the volume of urine. Hardware Features Bluetooth Connection: Giotto is able to ...

computer-based urinary flow meter
computer-based urinary flow meter

... the DANFLOW Wave flow meter MMT have created the ultimately reliable uroflowmetry device connected to a computer via wireless USB radio adapter. Danflow Wave with advanced UDMvision ...

computer-based urinary flow meter
computer-based urinary flow meter

The DANFLOW Chord PC combines flow meter with advanced UDMvision software platform installed on any computer or notebook using the USB port. ADVANCED PROGRAMME/SOFTWARE FUNCTIONALITY ...

computer-based urinary flow meter
computer-based urinary flow meter

... wireless uroflowmeter SmartFlow meets all the modern requirements of a digital practice or clinic. Simple operation, powerful wireless technology and innovative software guarantee the user a modern urological measurement ...

computer-based urinary flow meter
computer-based urinary flow meter
Flow Zig

... Micro-receiver for any USB port Compatible with any Laptop or Desk Top Software included Flowmeter Load cell flow trasducer at high resolution and long-term accuracy Flow range ...

computer-based urinary flow meter
computer-based urinary flow meter

Uroflowmetry studies - male, female, adult & paediatric, for diagnosis of urinary flow disorders. Computes urine flow parameters as recommended by the International Continence Society. Flowscale ...

computer-based urinary flow meter
computer-based urinary flow meter

... Urine flow rate detection, printing detection report, report management, etc. Detection parameters: Maximum urine flow rate, average urine flow rate, total urine volume, duration ...

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