Creatinine biochemistry analyzers

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3 companies | 3 products
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automatic biochemistry analyzer
automatic biochemistry analyzer

Throughput: 514 p/h
Weight: 10 kg

... gravity (SG), pH (pH), Blood (BLD), Protein (PRO), Urobilinogen (URO), Nitrite (NIT), Leukocyte (LEU), Ascorbic acid (VC), Creatinine ( CRE), Calcium (CAL), MAL ●Data Storage: Mass storage. 2,000 test results can ...

automatic clinical chemistry analyzer
automatic clinical chemistry analyzer
ADVIA® 2400

Throughput: 2,400 p/h
Sample volume: 0.022 ml
Number of sample positions: 84 unit

The ADVIA® 2400 Clinical Chemistry System manages the most demanding workloads and meets high turnaround-time (TAT) goals. Its menu includes methods for testing drugs-of-abuse, therapeutic drugs (TDM) and new assays such as cystatin C ...

automated biochemistry analyzer
automated biochemistry analyzer

Throughput: 120 p/h

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