CRISPR-Cas12b reagents

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3 companies | 3 products
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extracellular matrix
extracellular matrix

Storage temperature: -70 °C - -20 °C
Purity: 99 % - 99 %

The basement membrane is a matrix under the basal surface of epithelial cells of animals. Scilia Extragel Matrix is a reconstituted matrix hydrogel formed by basement membrane components extracted from mouse tumor tissues. This matrix ...

solution reagent
solution reagent
C006 series

Storage temperature: -20 °C

... Product Features Cas12b designed to be using in molecular detection for detecting DNA. If the dectecting target RNA needs to combine the DNA enzyme originated from itself, methods ...

medium reagent
medium reagent
Chemikalien von CARLO ERBA

CARLO ERBA Reagents can look back on over 160 years of tradition and experience in the field of laboratory and industrial chemicals. Numerous chemical reagents are manufactured in the company's own production ...

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