Custom-made temporomandibular implants

3 companies | 3 products
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custom-made temporomandibular implant
custom-made temporomandibular implant

... impairment are affecting the patient’s quality of life, the TMJ needs to be replaced with a prosthetic TMJ. In this case, a custom-made TMJ prosthesis is obviously preferred over a standard TMJ prosthesis. Advantages Perfect, ...

custom-made temporomandibular implant
custom-made temporomandibular implant

... defect / deformity, irregular jaw position, bilateral pathology (both TMJs) or complications of existing implants), the use of a patient-specific TMJ implant is then recommended. Ortho Baltic manufactures ...

custom-made temporomandibular implant
custom-made temporomandibular implant

Customized TMJ Prosthesis Our technology offered better results to manufacture custom-made TMJ prosthesis from a CT scan. The design department along with the surgeon create the design of the prosthesis, ...

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