Cutting forceps

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3 companies | 8 products
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laparoscopy forceps
laparoscopy forceps

Total length: 200, 340, 450 mm

The bipolar instruments are one of the essential elements in Laparoscopy for grasping, cutting and simultaneous bipolar coagulation. EndoMed Systems detachable Bipolar instruments are easy to dismantle to have different ...

laparoscopy forceps
laparoscopy forceps

Total length: 340, 450 mm

The bipolar instruments are one of the essential elements in Laparoscopy for grasping, cutting and simultaneous bipolar coagulation. EndoMed Systems Bipolar instruments are available in 5mm diameter with spring handle ...

orthodontic forceps
orthodontic forceps

Total length: 16 cm

For perfectly punched, tear-proof perforations Movable punching pin constantly comprising the whole cutting border

orthodontic forceps
orthodontic forceps
OBI 001

Total length: 14 cm

Cutting Capacity Max: .021”(.54mm)* .025” (.64mm) Min: .012”(31mm)

See the other products
Orel Brands Industries
orthodontic forceps
orthodontic forceps
OBI 002

Total length: 12 cm

Distal End Cutter Cutting Capacity Max: .021”(.54mm)*.025”(.64mm) Min: .012”(.31mm)

See the other products
Orel Brands Industries
orthodontic forceps
orthodontic forceps
OBI 008

Total length: 12 cm

Flush Cutter Cutting Capacity Max: .021”(.54mm)*.025”(.64mm) Min: .012”(.31mm)

See the other products
Orel Brands Industries
orthodontic forceps
orthodontic forceps
OBI 0031

Total length: 12 cm

Pin & Ligature Cutter Cutting Capacity Max: .012”(.31mm) Soft Wires

See the other products
Orel Brands Industries
orthodontic forceps
orthodontic forceps
OBI 0033

Total length: 12.5 cm

Pin & Ligature Cutter Beak Length 9.5mm Cutting Capacity Max: .012”(.31mm) Soft Wires

See the other products
Orel Brands Industries
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