- Medical Technical Facilities >
- Hospital infrastructure >
- Cyclotron facility door
Cyclotron facility doors
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... against nuclear gamma and neutron radiation, Ensolma door systems should be your first choice. They meet the highest radiation protection requirements, including DIN 6834-1:2012 for radiation protection doors. ...
... completely sliding door of stainless steel metal. Thanks to its hygienic design and sleek appearance, sliding steel doors are perfectly suitable as theatre doors, isolation room doors, ...
The sliding door is most commonly used in places where there is enough space for them. Most commonly the door is drowned into the interior. The first step in making the door is a calculation ...
Swing doors are most commonly used when there is not enough space for sliding doors. The first step in making the door is a calculation of an authorized physicist who sets the door ...
Telescopic radiation-shielded door coalesces the unique utilization of the amalgamated systems with two door panels, the utilization of security and safety systems, and several ways for manual opening, ...
The PSF-CCM is a shielded door for bunkers with non-shielded cyclotrons. It is a “plug-door” type, which enters the bunker wall in order to re-create the shielding in the opening area ...
The bunker door, especially designed for hot shielded cyclotron, consists of a steel formwork entirely filled with a concrete or barytic concrete casting. The movement is operated by a wheel system connected ...
... bunker door in a closed position during normal working conditions. The SMF bunker door can be manually unblocked thanks to the electro-magnetic joint inserted between the gearmotor and the pinion, if ...
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