Cystoscope endoscope sleeves

2 companies | 4 products
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cystoscope endoscope sleeve
cystoscope endoscope sleeve

Cystoscope Sleeve Brand: ESC Medicams Material : Stainless Steel. Size : 22fr Sheath & Obturator With 2 Stopcocks. Compatible with Storz Type Rigid Endoscopes. Tapered ...

cystoscope endoscope sleeve
cystoscope endoscope sleeve

Medici double sheath system, used in combination with working element made by us, complets necessary structure for prostate surgery. With its anti-reflective ceramic and made of high-performance material, it ensures an adequate continous ...

cystoscope endoscope sleeve
cystoscope endoscope sleeve

Cysto-Urethroscope sheaths for adults, with central valve, for Ø4,0mm WL302mm Scopes, continuous flow.

cystoscope endoscope sleeve
cystoscope endoscope sleeve

Cysto-Urethroscope sheaths for adults, with 2 fixed stopcocks,for Ø 2,9/4,0 - WL302mm Scopes, continuous flow.

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