Dehydration sample preparation systems

6 companies | 12 products
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automatic sample processor
automatic sample processor
TSP-6 series

... during the dehydration process ensures adequate contact of tissue with reagents and paraffin to improve dehydration performance Temperature of paraffin cup is precisely controlled by a constant temperature ...

tissue processor
tissue processor

HP300 - DAKEWE AUTOMATIC TISSUE PROCESSOR VACUUM TISSUE DEHYDRATION MACHINE FOR HISTOPATHOLOGY A. GENERAL DESCRIPTION - mobile unit on 4 directional casters with brakes - maximum 300 cassettes (2 x 150 cassettes) - ...

tissue processor
tissue processor
HP300 Plus

HP300 Plus - DAKEWE AUTOMATIC TISSUE PROCESSOR VACUUM TISSUE DEHYDRATION MACHINE FOR HISTOPATHOLOGY A.GENERAL DESCRIPTION - Remote fill and drain provide an easy solution on reagent replenishment - Alcohol concentration ...

automatic sample preparation system
automatic sample preparation system

PrestoCHILL is an advanced cryoembedding system that provides pathologists with frozen sections of permanent-like quality. Its innovative technology reduces the freezing time to 30 seconds and prevents ice crystal formation ...

freezing sample preparation system
freezing sample preparation system

... Module consists of a heated metal container in which the samples are immersed in Milestone’s FineFIX reagent at 40°C for 60 seconds in order to simultaneously carry out the specimen’s fixation, dehydration ...

automatic sample processor
automatic sample processor

APPLICATION FIELD INTRODUCTION: MRA-LSF-850 high throughput and large volume reagent filling system is a filling and production equip ment for large volume biochemical reagent Automatic production of loading, capping, ...

automatic sample preparation system
automatic sample preparation system

... heating systems, is always available. An active extraction process ensures efficient reagents quality, which extends paraffin life, improves tissue quality, and reduces operating costs. User safety is enhanced by ...

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Histo-Line Laboratories
automatic sample preparation system
automatic sample preparation system

Automatic Tissue Processor is a compact and sturdy instrument designed with latest technology for complete automatic dehydration and filtration of human, animal and plant's tissues, up to final fixing in wax. The precious ...

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S.M. Scientific Instruments
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