Dental clinic water distillers

12 companies | 12 products
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sterilizer water distiller
sterilizer water distiller

Distilled water can be used by bypassing the mains water. To carry out rapid circuit sanitisation a second tank is available. Given its tried and tested effectiveness, the use of Peroxy Ag+ disinfectant ...

dental clinic water distiller
dental clinic water distiller

Water distiller that boils water and condenses the steam to obtain distilled water. It distils 0.7 litres of water per hour. 4 litres capacity. It passes ...

laboratory water distiller
laboratory water distiller

Distillation capacity: 1.5 l/h

The distiller ensures distilled water of excellent quality, thanks to a boiling procedure with forced condensation. Thanks to a high voltage resistance produces 4 liters of excellent distilled water in ...

laboratory water distiller
laboratory water distiller

... of the water (to return to the liquid state), becoming a Distilled Water. This process results in the removal of a large amount of salts present in the common water (which is also called ...

sterilizer water distiller
sterilizer water distiller

water distiller YS-Z500 Wattage:750W Power: 220/50Hz Ability of distilled water: 1.5L/h Chamber size: 780mm*200mm Product size: 290mm*290mm*390mm Package size: 245mm*285mm*510mm N.W.: ...

dental clinic water distiller
dental clinic water distiller

Reservoir with 4 liters capacity Stainless steel internal vat Distillation rate of 1 liter per hour Push button with automatic shutoff Removable top Sealing between the parties with silicone ring

dental clinic water distiller
dental clinic water distiller

... 260*220*380mm Stainless steel boiling chamber. Distiller Output -1 liters per hour The AQUA water distiller is the best in its class. This distiller completes one ...

laboratory water distiller
laboratory water distiller

This drink adopt self-motion working mode, conveniently using and on the safety side. Power 750w Distiller water: 1.5L/H

laboratory water distiller
laboratory water distiller

1.Full automatic microprocessor. 2.Large water yield,provide perfect quality of water. 3.The entire Steam Chamber(includingdome)is Stainless Steel. 4.Heating element:aluminium alloy,does not ...

sterilizer water distiller
sterilizer water distiller

The water distiller MHC produces perfectly pure water by distillation. The machine heats the water up to 100° which rises up as steam to the condenser. The process of ...

dental clinic water distiller
dental clinic water distiller

Voltage: 220V Frequency: 50HZ Distiller water: 1.5L/H Tank Capcity: 4L Chamber size: 180×200 Outside size: 290×290×390 mm Gross Weight: 6.0kgs

sterilizer water distiller
sterilizer water distiller

Voltage: 220V Frequency: 50Hz Distiller water: 1.1L/H (26L per 24 Hours) Capacity: 4L Chamber size: φ 180× 200 Outside size: 290× 290× 390 mm Weight: 3.5kgs Packing size: 245× 285× 510 mm

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