Dental implant prosthodontic screwdrivers

4 companies | 5 products
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torque prosthodontic screwdriver
torque prosthodontic screwdriver
Orthonia 010

... Accurate torque limit Straight Type • Accurate rotation axis • No wobbling rotation • High success rate of mini implant fixation • Accurate torque limit control • Prevention of screw fracturing

torque prosthodontic screwdriver
torque prosthodontic screwdriver
Torq Control®

The success of the implant treatment depends on the precise tightening of the parts placed directly on the implant. A pre-stressed tightening of the screw will help avoid any risk of screw loosening. ...

dental implant prosthodontic screwdriver
dental implant prosthodontic screwdriver

Single-use screwdriver short, for basal screw Thesurgical instruments from Z-SYSTEMS are to be used. The instruments required for implantation and have been designed to be user-friendly. The rotating instruments ...

See the other products
Z-Systems AG
dental implant prosthodontic screwdriver
dental implant prosthodontic screwdriver

Screwdriver long for internal hex head The surgical instruments from Z-SYSTEMS are to be used. The instruments required for implantation and have been designed to be user-friendly. The rotating instruments are marked ...

See the other products
Z-Systems AG
dental implant prosthodontic screwdriver
dental implant prosthodontic screwdriver
DCT series

Hex driver 2.4 mm L 7 mm Stainless Steel Hex driver 2.4 mm L 10 mm Hex driver 2.4 mm L 15 mm

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